Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
I'm off for two weeks of holiday. This means that updates and email replies
will be slow during this time.
Garamon právě vydalo knihu "Ke hvězdám a
do mraků" - přepis válečných deníků československého nočního stíhače
Vlastimila Veselého,
DFC, AFC, pilota Groupe de Chasse I./9, 312th Czechoslovak Fighter Squadron,
96th and 68th Night Fighter Squadron.
Autorem knihy je Jaroslav Veselý, synovec Vlastimila Veselého. Já jsem
autorem převážné většiny korektur, doplnění a vysvětlivek.
Garamon publisher has just published the
book "Ke hvezdam a do mraku" / "To stars and clouds" - transcript of war
diaries of Czechoslovak night fighter
Vlastimil Vesely,
DFC, AFC, pilot of Groupe de Chasse I./9, 312thCzechoslovak Fighter Squadron,
96th and 68th Night Fighter Squadron.
Its author is Jaroslav Vesely, the nephew of
Vlastimil Vesely. I'm the author of most of the proofs, amendments and
Jan Šafařík Tišnov, 1. prosince 2006
Kontakt / Contact:
Garamon s.r.o.
Wonkova 432
500 02 Hradec Králové
Czech Republic
tel./fax: 495 217 101
Wood, Tony: Tony Wood's Combat Claims & Casualty Lists,
(O.K.L. Fighter Claims, Chef für Ausz. und Dizsiplin, Luftwaffen -
Personalamt L.P. (A) V Films &Supplementary Claims from Lists.)
The structure of web pages about air aces has been changed.
Some files names were changed, some of them were deleted. If somebody of you
use link on some of my lists, I put here a survey of the changes of the file