Fuerza Aérea de la República Española
Tinker, Frank Glasgow, Jr. 8 - -
Baumler, Albert John "Ajax" 4.5 2 -
Koch, Charles August "Tiny" 2 - -
Allison, James William Marion "Tex" 1 - -
Daduk, Stephen 1 - -
Leider, Benjamin David 1 - -
Bell, Orrin D. 0 - 7 1.
Dahl, Harold Evans "Whitey" 0 - 5 2.
Peck, James Lincoln Holt 0 - 5 3.
- Orrin D. Bell is recorded with five victories. These cannot be
substantiated. Source: Polák, Tomáš - Esa meziválečného období (Part
Two), in Aero Plastic Kits Revue, No.44, 1995.
- Harold E. "Whitey" Dahl is recorded with five victories. These cannot be
substantiated. Source: Flyers of Fortune: American Airmen in the Spanish
Civil War, http://www.libs.uga.edu/flyers/.
- James L.H. Peck has been documentered in some aviation history books as the
first "Black Ace" during the Spanish Civil War. On Aragon front he shot down
three He51 and two Fiat C.R.32. Source: James Lincoln Holt Peck:
Frank Glasgow Tinker Jr. |
Albert John "Ajax" Baumler |
Charles August "Tiny" Koch |
James William Marion "Tex" Allison |
Stephen Daduk |
Benjamin David Leider |
Orrin D. Bell |
Harold Evans "Whitey" Dahl |
James Lincoln Holt Peck |
Polikarpov I-15 'Chato', No 56, pilot Frank Glasgow Tinker Jr., 1st LaCalle squadron. |
Polikarpov I-16 'Mosca' type 10, CM-023, pilot Frank Glasgow Tinker Jr. |
Sources & Literature
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- Абросов, Сергей Владимирович: Воздушная война в Испании. Хроника воздушных сражений 1936-1939 гг., Издатель: Яуза, Эксмо, 2008.
- Brzkovský, Marek: Voják štěstěny - příběh námezdního pilota Alberta „Ajaxe“ Baumlera ve Španělsku a v Číně, in Hobby historie, No. 33, 2016.
- Dunning, Chris: Courage Alone, Hikoki Publications, Aldershot, 1998.
- Edwards, John Carver: Airmen without a portfolio: U.S. mercenaries in civil war Spain, Global Book Publisher, 2003 .
- Gaal, Julius R.: Legionaire Ace, Aero Album, Volume 5 Number 1 Spring 1972.
- Ghergo, Emiliani: Wings Over Spain, 1997 Giorgio Apostolo Editore, Milano
- Larrazabal, Jesus Salas: Air War over Spain, Ian Allan Ltd, Shepperton, Surrey, 1974.
- Lukeš, Petr: Polikarpov I-15 Chato, Počátek nasazení ve Španělsku, in Historie a plastikové modelářství, No. 9, 1999.
- Lukeš, Petr: Polikarpov I-15 Chato, Vrchol karéry a ústup ze slavy, in Historie a plastikové modelářství, No. 10, 1999.
- Massimello, Giovanni: Due Volte Asso, Storia Militare Nr. 49 Ottobre 1997.
- Matyáš, Svatopluk: Stíhačky nad Španělskem 1936 - 1939, Svět křídel, Cheb 1998.
- Matyáš, Svatopluk: Voják štěstěny (Frank G. Tinker), in Letectví + Kosmonautika, No. 08, 1990.
- Olynyk, Frank: Stars & Bars, A Tribute to the American Fighter Ace 1920-1973, Grub Street, London, 1995.
- Polák, Tomáš: Esa meziválečného období, part two, in Plastic Kits Revue, No. 44, 1995.
- Ries, Karl – Ring, Hans: The Legion Condor, Schiffer Publishing, 1992.
- Shores, Christopher: Air Aces, Presidio Press, Novato, CA, 1983.
- Stapfer, Hans-Heiri: Polikarpov Fighters in action Pt. 1, Squadron/Signal Publications, Carrollton, 1995.
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- Šnajdr, Miroslav: Hořící Španělsko, Votobia, Olomouc 2001.
- Šnajdr, Miroslav: Rytíř štěstěny Albert John Baumler, in Naše vojsko, No. 8, 2009.
- Šnajdr, Miroslav: Španělské sestřely amerického esa, in Military Revue, No. 12, 2009.
- Šnajdr, Miroslav: Letecký žoldák Frank G. Tinker, in Military Revue, No. 2, 2014.
- Šnajdr, Miroslav: Letecký žoldák Frank G. Tinker, Pilotem Moscy, in Military Revue, No. 4, 2014.
- Šnajdr, Miroslav: Vzdušné bitvy stíhacích dvouplošníků, Španělsko - válka interventů 1937, Vydavatelství Akcent, Třebíč 2017. ISBN: 978-80-7497-194-5
- Tinker, Frank Glasgow: Några leva än, T. V. Scheutz Bokförlag AB, Stockholm, 1939.
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- Aces of Spanish Civil War, War is Over,
- Albert John „Ajax“ Baumler, WikipediA, The Free Encyclopedia,
- Flyers of Fortune: American Airmen in the Spanish Civil War,
- Flyers of Fortune: American Airmen in the Spanish Civil War,
- Frank Glasgow Tinker, WikipediA, The Free Encyclopedia,
- Gleize, Jean-Paul: Aces,
- Gustavsson, Håkan: Biplane Fighter Aces from the Second World War,
- James Lincoln Holt Peck,
- Mansolas, Yiannis - Mansolas, Angelos: Frank Glasgow Tinker, Jr., The first ever pilot to shoot down a german Messerschmit - fought with the Spanish Republic against Franco,
- Sánchez Martín, Carlos Javier: Polikarpov I-15 «Chato» In the Spanish Civil War,