Šeremecinskij, Arkadij 3 AF of UGA
Aleljuchin, F. 2 AF of UGA
Serikov, M. 2 AF of UGA
Huber, Boris 1 AF of UGA
Rudolfer 1 AF of UGA
- Polish combat losses totaled 47 aircraft destroyed, of which three were shot
down by Bolshevik fighters and 44 by enemy ground defenses (34 by the
Bolsheviks, eight by the Ukrainians and two by the
Germans); a further 20 aircraft were heavily damaged: four in air combat (three
by the Bolsheviks and one by the Ukrainians) and 16
by the enemy ground defenses (12 by the Bolsheviks and four by the
Ukrainians). Cynk, Jerzy B.: The Polish Air Force
At War, The Official History, Vol. 1 1939-1943, p. 37, Schiffer Publishing
Ltd. 1998.
- AF of UGA : Air Force of Ukrainian Galician Army.
Sources & Literature
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- Kondratěnko, Alexej Ignatěvič - Pavlyuk, Hryhorij: Ukrajinská a pobaltská křídla 1918-2022, Mgr. František Kuník –, Praha, 2022. ISBN: 978-80-87657-36-2
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- Тинченко, Ярослав Юрійович: Герої Українського неба, Пілоти Визвольної Війни 1917-1920 рр., Видавництво «Темпора», Київ 2010.
- Gleize, Jean-Paul: Aces,
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