

Greco-Turkish War 1919-1922

NAME                                   VICTORIES                           COMMENTS

Bey, Fazil                                 1                               1.
  1. The greek archives do not recognize the loss, but they were retreating in bad order, so maybe this claim was confirmed.

Air-to-Air Victories

Date Unit Aircraft Pilot Victim Place
26.8.1922   SPAD XIII Fazil Bey Breguet 14A-2 aircraft falls village of Garipce

Capt. Fazil Bey
Capt. Fazil Bey.

Two of the four SPAD XIIIs arriving at the front on 25th  August 1922
Two of the four SPAD XIIIs arriving at the front on 25th August 1922

SPAD XIII fighter flown by Capt. Fazil
SPAD XIII fighter flown by Capt. Fazil.

The Greek Br.14A-2 shot down by Fazil on 26th August 1922
The Greek Br.14A-2 shot down by Fazil on 26th August 1922.

Much information kindly provided by David Méchin.

Sources & Literature
  1. Researcher David Méchin.
  2. Méchin, David: ΚΑΤΑΣΤΡΟΦΗ (Catastrophe), Le conflit d' Asie Mineure 1919-1922, in Avions, No. 156, Mars-Avril 2007.

  3. Gleize, Jean-Paul: Aces, http://www.igleize.fr/aces/homeaces.htm.
  4. Nikolajsen, Ole: Pilot Fazil Bey - An Aviation Hero, http://www.ole-nikolajsen.com/fazil.htm


Copyright © Jan Josef ŠAFAŘÍK
Generated: Fri Aug 9 09:13:20 AM CEST 2024

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