French Air Service (Aeronautique Militaire Francaise)
Marinovič, Pierre 21 (+3 P) N.38, Spa.94 1.
Pawlikowski, Stefan 3 (+3 PSW) Spa.96 2., 3.
Mancewicz, Antoni 1 Spa.96 3.
de Rudowski, Julien - G.D.E., C.10
Kossowski, Jerzy - Pau
Mickiewicz, Wladyslaw - Spa.153 3.
Raszewski, Jan - Spa.96
Turowski - Spa.100 3.
Wróblewski, Anton - 4.
- Many sources told that Pierre (Petar) Marinovič is the French or he is the
Russian; but indeedly he was a son of Serbian (father) and Polish (mother)
parents (Goworek, Tomasz: Pierwsze samoloty mysliwskie lotnictwa
polskiego, Aerohobby, Wydawn. Czasopism i Ksiazek Technicznych,
Warszawa 1991; War is Over - WW1 aces of Russian Empire,
- Not confirmed victories. Stefan Pawlikowski is sometimes credited with
three victories during Polish-Soviet War (Skulski, Przemyslaw - Sankowski,
Wojciech: Asy Wojny 1914-1918, Ace Publication 1994) or one confirmed
victory (Magnus, Allan: Air Aces Home Page,
- He was flying by Imperial Russian Air Service (Императорскый
Военно-Воздушный Флот) before Russian revolution.
- Antoni Wróblewski was A. Wroniecki during his service in Imperial German
Military Air Service (Fliegertruppe / Luftstreitkräfte).
P | : probable |
PSW | : Polish-Soviet War 1919-1920. |

Pierre Marinovič 21 confirmed victories 3 probable
Sources & Literature
- Bailey, Frank W. - Cony, Christophe: The French Air Service War Chronology 1914-1918, Day-To-Day Claims and Losses by French Fighter, Bomber and Two-Seat Pilots on The Western Front, Grub Street, 2002.
- Čejka, Zdeněk: Letci českého původu, in Letectví + kosmonautika Speciál, No. 08, 2006.
- Franks, Norman L.R. - Bailey, Frank W.: Over the Front: A Complete Record of the Fighter Aces and Units of the United States and French Air Services, 1914-1918, Grub Street, London 1992.
- Goworek, Tomasz: Pierwsze samoloty mysliwskie lotnictwa polskiego, Aerohobby, Wydawn. Czasopism i Ksiazek Technicznych, Warszawa 1991.
- Méchin, David: La valeur n’attend pas le nombre des années, Pierre Marinovitch, in Le Fana de l'Aviation, No. 1, 2017.
- Oštrić, Šime: Petar (Pierre) Marinović, Srpski pilot na Zapadnom frontu u Prvom svetskom ratu, in AERO Magazin, No. 46, 2003.
- Sikora, Piotr: Asy polskiego lotnictwa, Oficyne Wydawnicza Alma-Press, Warszawa, 2014.
- Skulski, Przemyslaw - Sankowski, Wojciech: Asy Wojny 1914-1918, Ace Publication 1994.
- Gleize, Jean-Paul: Aces,
- Letciki - asy Pervoj mirovoj,
- Polscy lotnicy PWS,, Twoje forum o wojnach światowych,
- Stefan Pawlikowski,