

Alto Cenepa Conflict 1995

NAME                       VICTORIES   UNIT      AIRFORCE

Banderas, Raúl                 1       2112 Sq   FAE
Mata,  Mauricio                1       2113 Sq   FAE
Uzcátegui,  Carlos             1       2112 Sq   FAE

Mirage F.1JA, FAE806

FAE Mirage F.1JA, FAE806, was one of the two Ecuadorian Mirages that participated in the clash on 10 February 1995. It was flown by Capt. Uscategui on that day, and ever since wears a kill marking for a FAP Su-22 (note the small oval insignia in Green directly over the title "Mirage F-1JA").
Kfir C.2, FAE905

FAE Kfir C.2, FAE905, in camouflage and with markings as during the war in 1995. This aircraft was flown by Capt. Mata on 10 February 1995, when he shot down a Peruvian A-37B Dragonfly. Note the kill marking - in the form of a small silhouette of an AT-37B, together with the Peruvian fin-flash, applied underneath the forward part of the cockpit.
Suchoj Su-22M-3K

Newest research revealed that one of the two FAP Sukhois shot down on 11 February should have been "Su-22", serialled 014, shown here wearing the insignia of the Esc. de Caza 111, "Los Tigres". There is quite some confusion with proper designation of these aircraft in Peruvian service, then - at least officially - what is actually the Su-20M was supplied to Peru as "Su-22", and the version that is actually Su-22M-3K, was supplied as "Su-22M"!
Cessna A-37B

FAP A-37s bore the brunt of air action during the war in 1995. Mainly armed with Mk.81 and Mk.82 bombs, sometimes also with unguided rockets, they flew dozens of attacks on Ecuadorian positions. However, camouflaged in desert colours, FAP Dragonflies proved ill-prepared for air combats over the jungle and two were easily sighted from considerable range (over 8.000m) by FAE Kfir-pilots, despite their diminutive size and low-level flying. The exact serial of the A-37B shot down by Ecuadorian Kfirs remains unknown

Wreckage of one of two FAP Su-22s shot down on 10 February 1995, as found in the thick jungle.

Wreckage of one of two FAP Su-22s shot down on 10 February 1995, as found in the thick jungle.

Victories of the Ecuadorian Fighter Pilots - Alto-Cenepa War, 1995   Czech flag

Sources & Literature
  1. Ильин, Владимир: Военная авиация Эквадора, История и современность, in Авиация и Космонавтика, № 12, 2014.
  2. Petz, Daniel: Nad džunglí i pouštěmi, in Válka Revue, červen 2012.
  3. Pospíšil, Martin: IAI (Israel Aircraft Industries) Kfir, část II., in Letectví + kosmonautika, No. 8, 2010.
  4. Pospíšil, Martin: Mirage v Ekvádoru, in Revi Publications, No. 93, říjen 2013.
  5. Pospíšil, Martin: Mirage v Ekvádoru, dokončení, in Revi Publications, No. 94, prosinec 2013.
  6. Rocher, Alexis: Deux victoires pour “Magic” 2, Confl it Pérou-Équateur, in Le Fana de l'Aviation, № 1 (602), 2020.
  7. Tincopa, Amaru: Air Wars Between Ecuador and Peru, Volume 3, Aerial Operations over the Condor Mountain Valley, 1995, Latin America@War, Book 22, Helion & Company Limited, 2021. ISBN 978-1-915070-09-8

  8. ACIG: Central & South American Air-to-Air Victories,
  9. Cooper, Tom: Peru vs. Ecuador; Alto-Cenepa War, 1995,
  10. Gleize, Jean-Paul: Aces,
  11. IPMS Ecuador, Mirage F.1 in the Ecuadorian Air Force by Alfredo Jurado,
  12. Magnus, Allan: Air Aces Home Page,


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Generated: Tue Aug 6 09:12:44 AM CEST 2024

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