Royal Air Force
Birksted, Kaj 9 2 [0+2] 5 43,331 Sq, 132 Wing RAF
Bøge, Arne Langhoff 1 0 0 332 Sq RAF
Rønhof, Kjeld 0 0 1 332 Sq RAF
Horn, Peter 11 0 0 JG 51 Luftwaffe
Sommer, Paul 6 0 0 JG 27,54 Luftwaffe
Finnish Air Force
Ulrich, Jörn Juel 3 0 0 LeLv 26 FAF
Frijs, Erhard K.J. 2 [1+1] 0 0 LeLv 24 FAF
Fensboe, Morgens F. 1 0 0 LeLv 28 FAF
Kalmberg, Carl Knut 1 0 0 LeLv 26 FAF
Cristensen, Povl Balzer 1 [0+1] 0 0 LeLv 26 FAF
- Some sources present that Kaj Birksted achieved 10 and 1 shared
confirmed victories and 5 damaged (Shores, Christopher - Williams, Clive:
Aces High (A Tribute to the Most Notable Fighter Pilots of the British
and Commonwealth Forces in WWII), Grub Street, London 1994.)

Kaj Birksted
Sources & Literature
- Researcher Håkan Gustavsson.
- Anders, Gerhard - Held, Werner: Stíhací eskadra JG51 /Jagdgeschwader 51 Mölders/, Mustang, Plzeň 1996.
- Forslund, Mikael: J11 Fiat CR 42, Mikael Forslund Produktion, Falun 2001.
- Franks, Norman: Operace Jubilee, Dieppe 1942/The Greatest Air Battle, Dippe, 19th August 1942/, Mustang, Plzeň 1997.
- Franks, Norman L.R.: The Greatest Air Battle, Dieppe, 19th August 1942, Grub Street, 2010. ISBN 978-1-906502-70-6
- Hyvönen, Jaakko: Kohtalokkaat lennot 1939-1944.
- Keskinen, Kalevi - Stenman, Kari - Niska, Klaus: Englantilaiset Hävittäjät.
- Keskinen, Kalevi - Stenman, Kari: Ilmavoimat talvisodassa.
- Keskinen, Kalevi - Stenman, Kari: LeR 2, Suomen Ilmavoimien Historia 17, Forssa 2001.
- Luukkanen, Eino Antero: Stíhač nad Finskem, Revi Publications, Ostrava 2001.
- Máče, Jan: Žhavé výstřely Zimní války, in Letectví+kosmonautika, No. 25-26, 1999.
- Neulen, Hans Werner: Am Himmel Europas - Luftstreitkrafte an deutscher Seite 1939-1945, Universitas Verlag, Germany 1997.
- Polák, Tomáš: Esa meziválečného období, 5. část - Finsko předehra opožděná, in Aero Plastic Kits Revue, No. 47, 1996.
- Prien, Jochen - Rodeike, Peter - Stemmer, Gerhard: Messerschmitt Bf109 im Einsatz bei der II./ Jagdgeschwader 27, Struve Druck, 1998.
- Ring, Hans - Girbig, Werner: Stíhací eskadra JG27 /Jagdgeschhwader 27/, Mustang, Plzeň 1994.
- Ritaranta, Eino: Vapaa-ehtoisia vaivaksi asti, Suomen Ilmailuhistoriallinen Lehti, InScale 72 Production, No. 1, January/February 1996.
- Shores, Christopher - Williams, Clive: Aces High, A Tribute to the Most Notable Fighter Pilots of the British and Commonwealth Forces in WWII, Grub Street, London 1994.
- Shores, Christopher: Aces High, Volume 2, A Further Tribute to the Most Notable Fighter Pilots of the British and Commonwealth Forces in WWII, Grub Street, London 1999.
- Stenman, Kari - Keskinen, Kalevi: Finnish Aces of World War 2, Osprey Publishing, 1998.
- Stenman, Kari - Keskinen, Kalevi: Lentolaivue 24, Osprey Publishing, 2001.
- Suomen Ilmailuhistoriallinen Lehti 2/1999.
- Thomas, Andrew: RAF Mustang and Thunderbolt Aces, Aircraft of the Aces 93, Osprey Publishing, April 2010.
- Thomas, Andrew: 'Aces', in FlyPast Special - Spitfire 75, Celebrating Britain's Greatest Fighter, 2011.
- Ulrich, Jörn: Doden har vinger, 1941 Det Schonbergske Forlag.
- Yenne, William: Aces, True Stores of Victory and Valor in the Skies of World War II, Berkley Publishing, New York 2000. ISBN: 0-425-17699-1
- Gustavsson, Håkan: Biplane Fighter Aces from the Second World War,
- Larsson, Knut: Nordic Claims Of Enemy Aircraft 1940-1945,
- Magnus, Allan: Air Aces Home Page, Sweden - Winter War ,
- Magnus, Allan: Air Aces Home Page, Sweden - World War Two,
- Danish Spitfires at War,