

Bay of Pigs 1961

NAME                           VICTORIES           UNIT            AIRFORCE

Prendes Quantana, Alvaro           3      Caza     DAAFAR
Carreras Rojas, Enrique            2      Caza     DAAFAR
del Pino Diaz, Rafael              1 *    Caza     DAAFAR
Fernandez, Alberto                 1      Caza     DAAFAR
Rudd Mole, Douglas                 1      Caza     DAAFAR

*... +1 victory during Cold War.
DAAFAR... Defensa Antiaerea y Fuerza Aérea Revolucionaria (Cuban Revolitionary Air Force)

Sea Fury FB.Mk.11
Sea Fury FB.Mk.11, FAR-541.

Sea Fury FB.Mk.11
Sea Fury FB.Mk.11, FAR-542.

Sources & Literature
  1. Bromley, Linda Rios: Pigs, Missiles and the CIA: Volume 1: Havana, Miami, Washington and the Bay of Pigs 1959-1961, Latin America@War, Book 25, Helion & Company Limited, 2021. ISBN 978-1-915113-45-0
  2. Hagedorn, Dan: Latin American Air Wars 1912-1969, Hikoki Publications / Specialty Press, 1st edition, November 30, 2006. ISBN: ISBN-13: 978-1902109442
  3. Hagedorn, Dan: Letecké války a letadla v Latinské Americe 1921-1969, Naše vojsko, Praha 2011. ISBN: 978-80-206-1233-5
  4. Hagedorn, Dan - Hellstrom, Leif: Foreign Invaders, The Douglas Invader in foreign military and US clandestine service, Midland Publishing Limited, 1994.
  5. Ильин, Владимир: ВВС Кубы, Военная авиация стран Латинской Америки, in Авиация и Космонавтика, No. 2, 2015.
  6. Petz, Daniel: Operace "Pluto", Ltadla nad Zátokou sviní, in Aero Plastic Kits Revue, No. 24, 1994.
  7. Polák, Tomáš: Žhavé výstřely studené války 4. - Amerika, in Aero Plastic Kits Revue, No.41, 1994.
  8. Rivas, Santiago: I Flew For Fidel, in Aeroplane, Volume 45, Issue No 526, February 2017
  9. Rivas, Santiago: Luftkämpfe über der Schweinebucht, Abwehr der Invasion Kubas 1961, in FliegerRevue X, No. 75, 2019.
  10. Rivas, Santiago: Playa Girón: The Cuban Exiles' Invasion at the Bay of Pigs 1961, Latin America@War, Book 2, Helion & Company Limited, 2016. ISBN 978-1-911096-02-3
  11. Shores, Christopher: Air Aces, Presidio Press, Novato, California 1983.
  12. Veselý, Jaroslav: Invaze v Zátoce sviní, 1. díl, in Modelář, No. 3, 2020.
  13. Veselý, Jaroslav: Invaze v Zátoce sviní, 2. díl, in Modelář, No. 4, 2020.
  14. Жирохов, Михаил Александрович: Операция «Плутон», Авиация в локальных войнах, in Крылья Родины, No. 6, 2016.
  15. ACIG Team: Cuban Air-to-Air Victories, List of confirmed, claimed, and probable air-to-air victories scored by the Cuban pilots since 1961,
  16. Cooper, Tom: Clandestine US Operations: Cuba, 1961, Bay of Pigs,,
  17. Lednicer, David: Intrusions, Overflights, Shootdowns and Defections During the Cold War and Thereafter,
  18. MacPhail, Dough - Acree, Chuck: Bay of Pigs:The Men and Aircraft of the Cuban Revolutionary Air Force,
  19. Magnus, Allan: Air Aces Home Page,

Victories of the Fighter Pilots During 1961 - 1996


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Generated: Tue Aug 6 09:12:44 AM CEST 2024

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