Czernin z Chudenic, Count Manfred Beckett 18 [13+5] 4 [3+1] 5 [3+2] 85,17 1.
Lammer, Alfred 6 141,255 2.
Colloredo-Mansfeld, Count Franz Ferdinand 3 4 4 72,611,132 3.
1. | Manfred Czernin was born in Berlin on 18th
January 1913, son of Austrian diplomat - Count Otto Rudolf Czernin z Chudenic -
and the daughter of the 2nd Baron Grimthorpe - Lucy Catherine Beckett. |
2. | An Austrian Jewish Refugee, he was born in Linz
on 28th November 1909. Air Gunner later Navigator / Radar Operator. Flying with
Squadron Leader John Howard Player (four victories) and Wing Commander Dillon
Piers Denis Gerard Kelly (three victories - two with A. Lammer). |
3. | Franz Ferdinand Colloredo-Mansfeld was born in
Rome on 1st March 1910, son of Count Ferdinand Colloredo-Mansfeld and Countess
Colloredo-Mansfeld, née Iselin.
Part of his childhood he spend in Zbiroh u Rokycan, Bohemia.
Although credited by some sources with six
victories (Hess, William N.: The Allied Aces of World War II, Arco
Publishing Co, Inc., New York 1966, page 36), this would appear to have
included both confirmed and probable claims. |
G | : Gunner |
N/RO | : Navigator / Radar Operator |
Supermarine Spitfire F.Mk.IXC EN133 FY-B flown by Flt Lt Franz Colloredo-Mansfeld of No 611 Sqn,
Biggin Hill, September 1942.
Sources & Literature
- Cull, Brian - Lander, Bruce - Weiss, Heinrich: Twelve Days in May: The Air Battle for Northern France and the Low Countries, 10-21 May 1940, As Seen Through the Eyes of the Fighter Pilots Involved, Grub Street, April, 2001.
- Foreman, John: RAF Fighter Command Victory Claims of World War Two, Part One 1939-1940, Red Kite, 2003.
- Hess, William N.: The Allied Aces of World War II, Arco Publishing Co, Inc., New York 1966.
- Janowicz, Krzysztof: Bitwa o Anglie, cz.1, Kampanie Lotnicze, Nr.17, A.J.Press 1998.
- Janowicz, Krzysztof: Bitwa o Anglie, cz.2, Kampanie Lotnicze, Nr.17, A.J.Press 1999.
- Rajlich, Jiří: Na nebi hrdého Albionu (válečný deník československých letců ve službách britského letectva 1940-1945), 1. část - 1940, Ares 1999.
- Rajlich, Jiří: Na nebi hrdého Albionu (válečný deník československých letců ve službách britského letectva 1940-1945), 5. část - 1944, Svět křídel 2003.
- Rajlich, Jiří - Plachý, Jiří: Colloredo-Mansfeldové v druhé světové válce, in Historie a vojenství, No. 1, 2008.
- Rajlich, Jiří: Vzdušná vítězství nárokovaná čs. stíhači v bitvě o Británii, in Historie a vojenství, No. 3, 2010.
- Ramsey, Winston G.: The Blitz Then and Now, volume 1: September 3, 1939 - September 6, 1940, After The Battle Publication, London 1987.
- Ramsey, Winston G.: The Blitz Then and Now, volume 2: September 7, 1940 - May 1941, After The Battle Publication, London 1988.
- Ramsey, Winston G. - The Battle of Britain Then And Now, After The Battle Publication, London 2000.
- Shores, Christopher - Williams, Clive: Aces High, A Tribute to the Most Notable Fighter Pilots of the British and Commonwealth Forces in WWII, Grub Street, London 1994.
- Shores, Christopher: Aces High, Volume 2, A Further Tribute to the Most Notable Fighter Pilots of the British and Commonwealth Forces in WWII, Grub Street, London 1999.
- Shores, Christopher: Those Other Eagles: A Tribute To The British, Commonwealth And Free European Fighter Pilots Who Claimed Between Two And Four Victories In Aerial Combat, 1939 - 1982 (A Companion Volume to Aces High), Grub Street, London, October 3, 2004.
- Wynn, Kenneth G.: Men of the Battle of Britain, 60th Anniversary Edition: a who was who of the pilots and aircrew, British, Commonwealth and Allied, who flew with Royal Air Force Fighter Command July 10 to October 31, 1940, CCB Aviation Books, 1999.
- Sugarman, Martin: Jewish Pilots and Aircrews in the Battle of Britain,